The Push API will send every mobile-originated message from a device to your own web service as an HTTP POST.

The parameters included in the POST can vary depending on the type of device and the type of message, as described below.

You may configure multiple Push API endpoints via the Rock 7 Core user interface. Please contact your account manager if you require any assistance.

JSON or Form-Encoded

The format of the POST can be either a form-encoded post, where the parameters below will be encoded as if submitted from an HTML form.

POST messages sent using the HTTP_POST_INSECURE option will not validate security certificates. You should only use this if you are using a self signed certificate, or a root certificate that is not trusted by Operating Systems.


Alternatively (and preferably) we can send a JSON document in the POST body. Here's an example:

  "txAt": "2023-03-14T09:15:04Z",
  "averageCog": 328,
  "temp": 0,
  "JWT": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.g4AMhUDwaK-WKaaITOKMtIu8lVtsEBfJ-00ytW-c0jyGUFxNW0259Dj9JcR34NaIai-ysSTVzqXBdROsZAiZS0oTSRum9l56JwZQTE0-Zx5yUUO8AOsUqXPjsSg2lSgsnSMTiQHXOzhydL9GIkmiEVdwANeaB24AuP45__zUwjhwniUfi-Z2RTG8J22GqnQ9Q_w9Z861A0Bos7LmJEymbmcLOiDDdzfYxvVWE6GSm2y8ypBZEqhI0byNphZ5adIFM19iyqng4MVpQe0Uh9Jc49RR_IAjte3AMS4Y82lO76sM90Tu3-3Jwhj3Iq_NGpfd4735Bl-b5FR5oePP40mV3Q",
  "alt": 0,
  "device_type": "GRIFFIN",
  "lon": -3.1704,
  "sog": 0,
  "transport": "GPRS",
  "source": "GPS",
  "trigger": "BURST",
  "battery": 98,
  "momsn": 70154871,
  "averageSog": 0,
  "at": "2023-03-14T09:10:01Z",
  "serial": 100015,
  "imei": "300434062929540",
  "cog": 328,
  "id": "eJwgzdpXVxNRnoprZewbWMDlQGLPvAbk",
  "power": true,
  "transmit_time": "2023-03-14T09:15:04Z",
  "lat": 51.4954

JSON Web Token

The JWT parameter is signed so that you can verify that the message was sent by Rock 7. The public key is:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----


It is essential that your web service implementation of the Push API endpoint responds correctly. Our service requires an HTTP 200 response to indicate successful delivery - our service will then consider the message to be delivered, and no further retry attempts will be made.

Any other HTTP response will be considered a ‘temporary‘ failure, and our service will exponentially back off and retry for up to 1 week.

POST parameters

The table below describes the parameters which MAY be included.

Note that if the trigger parameter is set to CONFIG_REPORT, then you may also receive all/any of the configuration parameters described in the Get Configuration

ParameterDescriptionExample/Possible Values
idUnique ID for this reportPAjovqQGZaLRENlxJpMmnlKkpxwgdzDY
transportMessage transport methodIRIDIUM, GPRS, OTHER
imeiIMEI of Iridium device (only present for ROCKBLOCK device types)15 digits
device_typeType of device. This may be set to LEOPARD which refers to the family of products including
RockSTAR and Yellowbrick v3. TIGERSHARK refers to the family of devices including RockFLEET
and YB3i. GRIFFIN refers to RockAIR
serialThe serial number of the device.An integer
momsnThe MOMSN of the SBD transmission. The MOMSN is a counter stored in the Iridium device,
incremented upon transmission.
An integer
transmit_timeTimestamp that the message was transmitted.e.g. 2014-02-14T13:55:16Z
atGPS timestamp of transmitted position.e.g. 2014-02-14T13:54:48Z
iridium_longitudeThe approximate longitude of the device, derived by the Iridium satellites.e.g. -5.1841
iridium_latitudeThe approximate latitude of the device, derived by the Iridium satellites.e.g. 50.9009
cepThe accuracy, in km, of the Iridium derived position.An integer
triggerThe reason for this transmission to have been triggered.ROUTINE
sourceAn indicator of whether the transmission includes a valid GPS fix.GPS
latGPS latitude50.88886
lonGPS longitude-1.29198
sogSpeed over ground (in knots)e.g. 0.1
cogCourse over grounde.g. 302
averageSogSpeed over ground (in knots) – averaged from last two positionse.g. 0.1
averageCogCourse over ground – averaged from last two positionse.g. 302
altGPS altitude (in metres)e.g. 22
tempTemperature (degrees Celsius)e.g. 4.5
batteryBattery level, in percente.g. 99
powerIndicates presence of external DC powertrue, false
messageA text message sent from the device.e.g. All fine
ack_requestThe id of a text message sent FROM the device, to be used when acknowledging.e.g. 123
userDataData payload from devicee.g. 48656c6c6f20576f726c64
message_ackThe id of a text message previously sent TO the device, which the device is acknowledging.e.g. 321
alertIndicator of whether or not this transmission was triggered by an alert condition.true
waypointThe name of the waypoint, as selected by the device user.e.g. Bridge
appMessageAddressThe comma-separated list of addresses for recipients specified by the user of an i360 CONNECT
[email protected], 4477701233321
appMessageContentThe message content for a message sent using the i360 CONNECT App
beaconsThe comma-separated list of beacons that have been observedDA01:6969,A10A:EF01
ext_refAn External Reference can be set in the CORE to help identify devices with a user defined ID.Returns user specified reference


Iridium position reports

We can report transmissions to you that may not have a valid GPS fix. Typically this happens if it has a poor view of the sky, but there are other occasions when it will transmit a message without a GPS position. In this case, we do get an approximate position from the Iridium network. This ranges in accuracy - often it can be within a few km, or it may be 200km out.

There is a source="GPS" or source="IRIDIUM" parameter in every element. If it's an Iridium position, you won't get sog, cog or alt parameters.

You will get a cep="123" parameter, which indicates the accuracy (in km) of the reported position.
It's necessary for us to tell you about Iridium positions, because it is possible that the tracker can report an alert with no GPS fix.